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Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)

 -OTC BB  
4.06 Down 0.04(0.98%) 4:41PM EDT

Prev Close:4.10
1y Target Est:2.00
Next Earnings Date:N/A
Day's Range:3.99 - 4.30
52wk Range:0.81 - 6.35
Avg Vol (3m):28,974,600
Market Cap:23.30B
P/E (ttm):N/A
EPS (ttm):-0.25
Div & Yield:N/A (N/A)
Quotes delayed, except where indicated otherwise. Currency in USD.

  • dgplexus2  Apr 28, 2014 2:23 AM Flag

    Bill written by Countrywide exec! Countrywide found LIABLE by jury!

    Jury finds BofA's Countrywide liable for defrauding Fannie, Freddie
    Countrywide was one of the major fraudsters that victimized Fannie and Freddie! Now they're trying to murder their victims, once and for all! This must not be allowed to stand! Fannie and Freddie did NOT cause the crisis! The mega fraudster big banks did! Less
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    • Google:
      Former Countrywide Trader Behind Fannie/Freddie 'Reform' Bill - National Legal Policy Center

      Ex-Countrywide Exec Co-Wrote Mortgage Reform Bill - The Washington Free Beacon

      Recall this from Oct. 23, 2013:

      Bank of America Liable for Fraud In Countrywide Mortgage Case: Jury - Reuters Less
      • 2 Replies to dgplexus2
      • In gods name I can't believe people still have the notion it was FNF's fault!!
        Wake up people, the BANKS are the ones who lent money out to every Tom, #$%$ & Harry and then turned around and sold the loans to FNF with out disclosing the poor quality of loans they were selling.

        When Tom, #$%$ & Harry could not pay their mortgage anymore, the blame fell on Fannie, when it was ACTUALLY the BANKS WHO FAILED TO DISCLOSE THE POOR QUALITY.

      • This same former Countrywide exec wrote most of the Corker-Warner and Johnson-Crapo "wind down" bills.


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