FHFA’s Watt ‘Comfortable’ With U.S. Sweep of Fannie, Freddie Profits - by Nick Timiraos, Wall Street Journal (MoneyBeat Blog)

FHFA’s Watt ‘Comfortable’ With U.S. Sweep of Fannie, Freddie Profits - by Nick Timiraos, Wall Street Journal (MoneyBeat Blog)

I have submitted this commentary:

Watt's statements are shocking, nauseating, and reprehensible.

Fannie and Freddie neither needed nor wanted that "bailout" money, they remained able to raise capital on their own. What the government is doing to them is worse than what loan sharks do. They have fully repaid the money that was forced on them, plus billions extra. They owe Treasury nothing. Watt is speaking as a Communist functionary with no concern for the ongoing robbery.

Also, Treasury does not offer open ended support to Fannie and Freddie. The capital injection limits were finite and it all expired at the end of 2009. Fannie and Freddie were not operating with a government guarantee, as their public documents stated, and the Treasury's documents stated the same.

It is time to release these companies, who are exonerated, did not cause the crisis (the fraudster banks did, victimizing Fannie and Freddie directly with their massive fraud,) and have more than repaid the money that was forced on them, and perversely used to bail the big banks out of their own fraud-created catastrophe. Watt's insensitivity to justice makes me nauseous. 

Mel Watt is only a salried worker who has to follow orders.As at now he is following orders.Does he have any choice no.Why all the halabalu he is another crap carpo poodle


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