DOJ misuse of power

DOJ misuse of power

I just sent this to my elected officials and to letter to the editor of my local paper

The recently posted story from THE DAILEY CALLER, August 28, 2014, “DOJ To Give Money From Bank Of America Settlement To Liberal Activist Groups” is the most egregious misuse of power. The DOJ cannot use these settlements for their private slush funds.

The settlement from the Bank of America and other big banks belongs to FannieMae and FreddieMac from the fraud perpetrated by the “to big to fail banks”.

FNMA and FMAC are publicly traded companies held by millions of tax payers and retirees through direct ownership or through mutual funds and retirement plans.

Under the 2008 HERA Act, FannieMae and FreddieMac should be released from conservatorship per their original agreement. Additionally, the illegal 2012 “Sweep” amendment by the Treasury department is a violation of the fifth amendment of the constitution. The shareholders of FNMA and FMAC should be compensated for the US Government taking of property. FNMA and FMAC have paid back all the money that was loaned to them plus billions more. This is like having paid your mortgage for thirty years and the bank changes the agreement and states you still own the original amount.

It is a disgrace that congress won’t take action to do the right thing. It is a shame these have to be settled in federal courts. We shouldn’t have to take this blatant theft by our governmen


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