there have never been any lawsuits by citizens- won against the government in the most democratic nation in the world

his is why the dta came back. THE real trick to it all is this 60 billion added to the 118 billion that Fannie supposedly owes to the treasury, and that they were required to pay 10% interest on in dividends. 

can you see the truth? take away the 60billion and take away the interest on the larger number over the last 5 years and how much was REALLY needed? maybe 30 billion.

Now it does not take a genius to see this, and HOW much Fraud money has the FHFA collected from banks FOR fannie mae? lets say 30 billion. 

No matter how you look at it the TBTF banks only paid 10 cents on the dollar in settlements of their real valued of crime, so the real crime was upwards of 200 billion, and fannie needed 30 billion.

It really is that simple, Fannie is being Raped and enslaved daily. Courts will see this truth. 
If america had actual reporters the story would be told, as it is the facts and the truth.


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