Laliasia Finance commented on fnma

Laliasia Finance

  • Laliasia Finance commented on Volunteer 2 months ago
    tell us what is the current status of discovery or any other action than can enhance existence of FNMA Share holder .Is there a possiblty to stop all Carpo liek reform bill taking place till and after discovery is over

  • Laliasia Finance commented on Please share your story 2 months ago
    Hellooooo America. I thought America is the pinnacle of Capitalism and free market that tell the world how Private capital is used to better all.What i see and experiencing now is horrendous.Private capital swallowed by the Government very Guarding of the private capital.How can we trust.I am from the other end of the world Sri Lanka.Managed to invest sure government backed securities.But i cannot imagine this happening even in the most police state in the past where private capital is taken over night without any reasons. US government statem of no being able to pay back the borrowing by FNMA is a lye. Already they have paid back more.It is genrating huge amount of cash to pay all Gemrnet, taxes, tax payer and the shareholders too.Why then is this draconian method of swallowing.Sorry but i cn see only one reason.That is few wested interest who is wating in line to eat up the best of FNMA on the pretext of reform.As experienced by the Lehman bankruptcy , it is men involved in BANKRUPTCYREAPED MOST .not the share holders of any others who worked hard in the company for over centuries.. ThisFNMA was founded by non other than the founder of the 32nd President of the United States. Franklin D. Roosevelt Do i ave to mention he was and is one of the greatest men in Humanity. Can These reformers on the pretext of giving better housing deal to Americans can do better.Than FDR.Whose aim was Housing for Americans . The Federal National Mortgage Association, commonly known as Fannie Mae, was founded in 1938 during the Great Depression as part of the New Deal.

    Even more why is the great government allow Shares being traded if there are no share holders of the company In this case FNMA AND FREDDIE.

    I invested in FNMA During crisis of 2008 . I believe in cycles. That is the only theory in investments i believe.That is applicable to all living and not. what goes up will come down and what goes down will go up.When FNMA was crashing, it was obvious the house prices were crashing. After the crash they will recover for sure. 

    When recovering is taking place and when every one is being paid including the government, the very government comes in and wants to talk all throwing all who were with the company during the crash like me.What kind of government ?. why cant they refer keeping the share holders intact. 

    what kind of free market can any one talk when the shareholders are simply thrown out as they never existed.

    That is bad for America and for the right wing ways of government. which America preach all over. If there is a change to socialism may i say this take
     over is worse than any found in any socialism. 

    Why they did not do the same for to others like City, Goldman etc etc Why only FNMA

    i American public can and will come forward and protect there property.FNMA it is FNMAthat is giving them affordability and not other country in the world has this system where money is collected in abundance and use to facilitate house for american.I am not on the only one.There are chinese, russians, arabian and all who are share holders of the Solid sterling status institution. Please come forward help preserve and evolve , develop FNMAnot allowed IT to get destroyed

    LALIASIA FINANCE from colombo sri lanka In Sri Lanka and Any where in Asia this talk of taking over a company without giving nothing to share holders is not even in the dreams and it s a JOKE of the highest order that is coming form the preacher who advocate free enterprise system.


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