Fear Unilateral Action for FNMA That Ends Conservatorship
Senators Who Advocate Shorting GSEs Fear Unilateral Action That Ends Conservatorship Jul. 8, 2016 4:21 PM ET | 29 comments | About: Fannie Mae (FNMA) , FMCC Glen Bradford Follow (1,793 followers) Value, growth at reasonable price, long-term horizon, portfolio strategy Send Message | Glen Bradford's Website Summary Senators writing director of FHFA warning not to take action that could lead to end of conservatorship implies the director of FHFA could take such action. Judge Thapar apparently has 16 shares of Fannie Mae. The new hurdle 4623(d) is being brought up in Kentucky as well. Fannie Mae ( OTCQB:FNMA ) and Freddie Mac ( OTCQB:FMCC ) are Fortune 50 private companies, government sponsored enterprises, political footballs, and in conservatorship managed by the government for the government. On a net basis, conservatorship has allowed FHFA to deploy accounting statements that across time and a change of terms will ...